Funders and Support
In 2024, STARS is generously funded via a microgrant from The Schenectady Foundation to sustain and grow the book distribution network.
The following organizations are ongoing STARS supports:
1st National Bank of Scotia
Friends of SCPL
The following organizations and individuals are previous
STARS supports:
First Book
First Reformed Church of Schenectady
Mona Golub
Neil Golub
Schenectady Silhouettes
Stewart’s Holiday Match
Working Group on Girls
Zonta International
Judith Stein Family Fund
Karen Bradley
Anonymous donors have also contributed valuable support.

Donate to STARS
Donate to STARS by giving to the Friends of SCPL and designate STARS.
If you prefer to purchase books, please purchase through the Amazon wish list.
Since 2021, the Wildwood Program has been a valuable STARS partner and has donated over 500 service hours. STARS volunteers facilitate service with Wildwood School’s Young Adult Program and Wildwood’s Adult Day Services Without Walls Groups in workforce development.
“STARS helps students & adults from Wildwood have purpose, develop vocational and social skills, and contribute to their community. At Wildwood, we wholeheartedly thank STARS for providing this opportunity that caters to people's strengths and goals, and fulfills a vision of Community Inclusion. It is because of Community Partners like STARS that we are able to improve the overall wellbeing of students with disabilities.”
Bridget Chiaramonte,
Business Development Liaison,
The Wildwood Programs